God Has It Under Control

God Has It Under Control 2021 06 06

Acts 19:18 – 41

Once again, due to the terrible history of residential schools in Canada, especially under the authority of the Roman Catholic Church, Christianity is being singled out as genocidal and “the white man’s religion.” People are blaming all Christians for the evil of organizations who claimed to be Christian yet treated families and children in ways that no true Christian could have. Openly identifying as a Christian can bring great reproach.  It is very tempting to keep our faith secret.  But Jesus told us not to hide our light under a basket.  It is every Christian’s responsibility to be open about the fact that you are a follower of Christ and to share the gospel with anyone you can find who will listen.  People need to know that they can have a wonderful and eternal relationship with their Creator who loves them!  We should always be looking for ways to get the conversation onto what Jesus Christ has done for me and then onto what he can do for you.  That is how we’ve been sharing the gospel for some 2000 years.  But how do you react to a hostile crowd?  How do you react to those who mock you or get angry?  If you are obeying Christ who said we are to be actively sharing the gospel, you are going to run into opposition.


Acts 19:18 – 41


Here is the answer to our question about what to do in the face of opposition.  God has it under control.  Jesus said, “And when they bring you unto the synagogues, and unto magistrates, and powers, take ye no thought how or what thing ye shall answer, or what ye shall say:  For the Holy Ghost shall teach you in the same hour what ye ought to say.”  Luke 12:11,12


The Gospel Stirs Things Up

  1. The preaching of the gospel in Ephesus really stirred things up. It upset the status quo, making some people quite unhappy.
    1. There were people in Ephesus who made a good income crafting little idols out of silver, and Christianity was making a real dent in their business!
    2. As we saw in verse 19, many people who practiced idolatry and magic in the area renounced their old beliefs and burned their books.
    3. Big changes came to Ephesus as the gospel was preached.
  2. Today, the gospel still stirs things up. Just go knocking on doors to give out a copy of the books of John and Romans!
    1. People react when faced with Christianity. They either listen, or they reject it. Some reject it very strongly, even getting angry.  They do not like being faced with the fact that they are sinners in need of a Saviour!  They prefer going along the way they always have, without thinking about the future that hangs imminently over the head of every human being.
    2. They are described by God as “… even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;” Romans 1:28
      1. They are reprobate in their thinking, not wanting to hear of the things of heaven, nor of eternity, nor of sin, nor of the way of everlasting life.
      2. Such things annoy people and sometimes anger them, and sometimes bring violent reactions as in our passage, and as in many places in the world today. It’s not that they really believe that the horrible deeds done in residential schools in Canada were done by real Christ followers, but it’s something they can claim in order to justify ignoring the gospel!
  • The devil is always looking for excuses to for people to encourage them to avoid the one thing they need most, a Saviour who reconciles them to our Creator.
  1. Even in our so-called “tolerant” society of the west, today, there is greater and greater opposition to the gospel, with atheist and humanistic lobby groups and lawmakers trying to remove every vestige of Christianity from public view. (By the way, you cannot separate Christianity from politics, because politics insists on trying to regulate Christianity!)


II  God Has it Under Control

  1. Things got pretty heated in Ephesus when Demetrius incited a mob to go after the preachers. He got the craftsmen and those whose business it was to make silver idols for Diana all riled up against the Christians and dragged two of them, Gaius and Aristarchus, into the theater.
    1. The theater was the public gathering place, where all public events were held, including debates and trials.
    2. Paul tried to get involved, as any good pastor would, to defend these men whose pastor he was. But the disciples would not allow him to put himself in harm’s way.
    3. Alexander tried to speak in his defense when he was dragged out of the crowd, but the mob shouted him down.
  2. But God had it all under control. It was not necessary for Paul or Gaius or Aristarchus or Alexander to present a defense; God used the heathen town clerk, who acted out of fear of the Romans, to put the whole thing to rest.
    1. God is even able to use ungodly men for His purposes. We see this all the time in the world.
    2. God uses countries like the USA to stabilize the world, not because their leaders are godly men; they often are not and most often are open hypocrites, but God can still use them!
    3. God has used Israel to help stabilize the middle east since 1948, even though Israel is a mainly secular nation that does not even recognize the power of God in their miraculous existence in that land.
    4. God used Saddam Hussein and Ghadafi and Mubarak to keep Iraq and Libya and Egypt stable, even though they were vicious, ungodly dictators. Human wisdom and unscriptural decisions to support rebellion in those countries has caused nothing but disarray and turmoil.  The Bible says, “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.  Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:  For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake.  For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God’s ministers, attending continually upon this very thing.”  Romans 13:1 – 6
    5. God has ordained every government. We may not like their policies.  They may bring in rules that make no sense and could even have ulterior motives.  But God has it under control.


III  Where are You Living?

  1. Are you concerned about your government trying to force a vaccine on you that you don’t want? Are you worried about the government controlling your life and taking away your freedoms? Are you living in a state of fear or uncertainty?  You’re not alone!
  2. Are you saved? Have you put your faith in Jesus Christ the Son of God as your Saviour?  If you have not, you need to get that settled, now.  But if you have put your faith in Jesus, you have nothing to fear.  God has it all under control.  For every situation you find yourself in, God has already set the boundaries and marked the edges.  Nothing is out of his control anywhere at any time.  You can and should share the gospel anywhere in the world that God sends you, including right where you live, because that is what we are commanded to do.  God has it under control.